Final Dialogue of Civilization Application deadline is 1/15!

Student Reflections

Living in Seville

Kyle McCrosson
June 13, 2017

In Seville, I am living in a student residence, approximately 20 minutes outside of the city center by bus. I have an individual room that has its own bathroom, shower, bed, desk, and kitchenette. Additionally, my room as air conditioning (a necessity in my opinion when the temperature reaches the mid 90’s every day). The residence building has a gym, pool, and cafeteria that can be used if desired. The other students in the residence and I have been provided by our program with bus passes so that we do not have to pay out of pocked to travel back and forth from the center. The residence that I am living in is for students attending any university within Seville, so there are usually Spanish students around in the common areas. This provides an opportunity to get to know some locals and ask them about the area and their studies.


So far it has been very easy to meet people in my program. There are five other students from my program living in the same residence building as me. We often eat our meals together and travel to and from the city center together. Class has been a great place to meet people that are not living in the same place as me. Every day, half of the students in my program have class at the same time (11:45-2:15) so before and after class and during our break are great times to socialize with people I don’t see as often. CIEE has also organized many group tours, excursions, and get togethers so there has been ample opportunity to meet almost everyone in my program and I know I’ll be able to meet even more in the planned excursions to follow.
