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Student Reflections

Local Traveler Safety Secrets

Thalia Carroll-Cachimuel
September 1, 2016

This photograph was taken in the center of one of the busiest parts of Berlin. We were advised to be extremely cautious of our surroundings in this area

The biggest safety tip that I have discovered while abroad is the importance of having the right type of bag. It’s important to be able to have a bag that you can move into the front of your body or be able to sit on­ top of you while you sit on the train. If you can’t always see your bag, you have the wrong type of bag. There are a lot of pickpockets in Berlin so you always have to be aware of your belongings. One of the girls on my trip had the wrong type of bag and went out at night and woke up to all of her belongings have been stolen. This is why it’s imperative to make sure that you are always aware of your bag. A safety tip that stems from that is making sure that when you leave the hostel you only bring what you need to bring. For example, when I leave the house in Boston I usually have my Husky card and my insurance card. When I leave the hostel in Berlin those are two cards that I don’t need. In addition, I make sure I have the right amount of euros in my wallet. If I know I’m leaving for dinner and that I’m coming back right after, I try to have 20 euros in my bag. This helps me budget and it always ensures that if something were to happen that I would only have 20 euros. This is one of the most important things that I have learned through traveling (especially in Berlin) is that I do not leave with my debit card. In Berlin, the places we spend money don’t take cards so there is no need for me to leave the house with it because I don’t use it.

Our final group dinner was located in a very nice area of Kreuzberg. This fountain was located one block from the restaurant we ate at

The best local traveler secret that I learned is the way that I should hold my drink when I’m out. It upsets me that I haven’t learned this tip while in Boston, it is something that I should know. My friend that lives in Berlin bought me a drink and I started holding it and walked away. She grabbed my arm and moved my hand directly on top of my drink. I was so confused as to why she was so aggressive about this. She said to me, “you need to hold your drink like this Thalia.” I then realized that she was helping me hold my drink so that I would avoid someone putting something in it. It was hard for me to realize that the issues I am so cautious about in the United States were the same issues that I could not not escape while I was abroad. I was embarrassed thinking to myself that I hadn’t thought of this earlier and I was embarrassed that I was confused when she grabbed my arm. At all times, as a woman, I need to be aware of my surroundings especially my drink. This experience with my friend was one that I needed to have and I’m grateful that she taught me this travel secret.

This picture was taken on the walk to class. All of the buildings near the classroom we took courses in are gorgeous!