Final Dialogue of Civilization Application deadline is 1/15!

Student Reflections

LSE – The Beginning!

Boris Sheydin
August 3, 2017

Coming to Northeastern I already knew with certainty that I would want to study abroad. What I didn’t was the when, the where, and the how. Should I go to an English-speaking country or immerse myself in an unfamiliar language? Should I stay on the western hemisphere or go as far as a plane can take me? Should I do study abroad soon or leave it for my senior year? All of these questions and more were on my mind my first semester at Northeastern. As I met more and more upperclassmen my first year I began to understand all the different opportunities for going abroad that Northeastern had to offer, from a traditional semester abroad, to co-ops, to the dialogue of civilization program. But one particular one caught my attention the most, the summer school program at the London School of Economics.

Now, just a few months later, I am packing my suitcase and getting ready to spend two months of my summer in London and I couldn’t be more excited. I am extremely looking forward to exploring the capital of the United Kingdom and getting as much out of my three classes as I can. Since classes are so packed with information (semester long classes in three weeks) I want to learn as much as I can about each subject, and use LSE’s resources wherever possible. Also being in one of the most significant cultural capitals of the world I want to see as much of it as I can. Packed with 2000 years of history, I want to visit as many iconic destinations as I’ll be able to, the museums across the city, and experience the more preserved, local culture. Although I know it won’t be possible to see everything I definitely want to use my time as efficiently as I can, and am really looking forward to my time abroad!

London Pano