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Student Reflections

LSE – Travel and Safety Secrets

Boris Sheydin
August 3, 2017

As with any big city it is always important to be aware of your surroundings and do some planning beforehand, London is no different. I found buying a prepaid sim card extremely helpful, especially when staying here for two months. If I am ever not sure how to get back late at night, as long as I have Google Maps I’ll know which bus to take, which avoids any unnecessary trouble. In addition things like emergency numbers are different country to country so knowing them in advance would be very helpful. From what I encountered, the biggest safety concern was cars, and staying out of their way. After living in a place with right-side driving for 19 years it becomes instinctual to look for cars a certain way when crossing the street, and with England driving on the other side of the road the saying “look both ways” could not be more important. Additionally, traffic rules differ a good amount so it’s important to be extra cautious of cars, bus lanes, signs, and the sort.

When I came to London I was excited to visit, and do everything I’ve heard about, seen, or read in a guide book. Things like the Buckingham Palace and the London Eye, although iconic and are must-sees, are flooded with tourists and lack a certain authenticity and charm that London has to offer. Some of my favorite places that I’ve been to so far have been ones I’ve stumbled upon by accident. London is massive and full of history, go explore!

London Landscape