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Student Reflections

Too Many Museums Too Little Time

Siddhi Doshi
March 6, 2017

One of the greatest things about London is that all the museums (almost) are free here. These are some of the most historical and legendary museums, and it is truly incredible that you have access to them for no cost. Whatever your preferences are, there’s got to be a museum that suits yourself. Some of my favorites are British Museum, Tate Modern, National Maritime Museum in Greenwich, The National Gallery, the British Library museum, Harry Potter Museum, Sherlock Holmes museum, and the list could go on. It is with these museums (and a lot of architecture) that it hits you just how much history surrounds the city you live in, and if you try to process that, you’ll remain absolutely bemused.

I want to give a shout out to Tate Modern because this is one museum that truly stood out for me. I have always liked art but modern art in Tate is what blew me away. A lot of people prefer other kinds of art, but personally, Tate Modern has definitely been the best art museum I have ever been to. I am probably biased because not only does my favorite artist (Marina Abramovic) have her art on display in the museum, but I also got to meet her at an event at the museum!! Seeing this artist who I have devoured all my life in flesh and bone and conversing with her will definitely be one of my top ten memories in London. All the museums have such amazing events happening all the time, and if you keep an eye out for them, you would by all means get to meet someone or experience something that means the same to you as meeting Marina Abramovic meant to me!

Shadow art

Meeting Marina Abramovic

One museum that surprised me was the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich. It does not feature in your ‘must go to’ list of museums anywhere, but I’d say it is worth it if you’re spending a decent amount of time in London. Of course, the key attraction of the museum is the prime meridian, where you can place one foot in the east and one in the west of the world. However, in addition to that there is so much that you can see in the museum that I did not expect when I headed there. Astronomy is a niche field and most people probably have no interest in it; I didn’t either, but I still really enjoyed the museum and was stunned by the history and the collection of astronomical figures and instruments that exist there. Greenwich as a whole makes for a good day trip, where you can bask into quite a lot of history and also indulge in shopping at the Greenwich market, which has great varieties of food and articles.

East and West

When I came to London, I was told by many to make the most of museums and visit as many as you can. That advice is as true as it can get. I still have a long list of museums to visit and no amount of time would be enough for me to visit all the ones on the list, so I am off to prioritizing what I’d rather learn about – Harry Potter or art. It’s not really a tough choice..
