Apply for Summer traditional study abroad by February 1st, and for Fall Study Abroad by March 1st!

My decision to study abroad came about mostly due to a combination of the fact that Northeastern offers so many different programs for study abroad opportunities, and the I, myself, have never left the United States. I thought to myself, I have the opportunity, so I absolutely need to take it. I expect this experience will change my view on the world. Until now, I have always been on the inside of the United States, looking out at the world through windows my country and the people around me have provided. Now I will finally be able to step to the other side of the window and see what the rest of the world is like, and also see what it’s like to live outside of the United States I’ve grown accustomed to. My goals during this study abroad are simple: see everything and learn everything else. I want to fill as much of my time while in Italy outside of my comfort zone; I want to live in the unknown. Admittedly, this is a rather frightening concept. The thing about the unknown is that it’s, well, unknown. Completely unfamiliar territory. It makes me incredibly nervous, but the exciting kind of nervous, to know that I will soon be in a country whose language I’m not particularly fluent with, with the nearest familiar face being halfway around the world. It will be a great and daring adventure, one that I’m most looking forward to.