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Student Reflections

Norwegian Support Staff

Deborah Vasquez Contreras
October 24, 2016

Canteens and Coffee Shops

The staff at the international student office of HiOA have been very helpful to me since the very beginning when I first applied during the Spring semester. They explained how everything works over here, plus communicating with my current professors about accommodating my desire to take classes in different departments (which is not common to do in Norway). The office also organized the Buddy Week Program, where other international students gave me advice about the city during my first few days of arrival. Most importantly, they took care of my immigration papers. They coordinated an appointment with the police district to obtain my Norwegian residence permit. I know I can go any given afternoon to their office and ask for any kind of help. The international student office also plans free activities for us. I have gone on three of these activities: a hiking trip to Gaustatoppen, a private tour of the Norwegian Parliament and another tour of the Opera House. These activities are great for meeting other exchange students who are also new to Oslo.

Sognsvann Lake

My professor for Political Ecology, which is the only professor I have had at HiOA up to this point, is a scientist with a lot of research experience. He uses photos of his own research trips and anecdotes to illustrate certain points when explaining a topic. It is amazing to be able to learn from someone who is deeply involved in what they teach, in every possible way. I also love how he incorporates critical thinking into each class. Professor Axel shows us convincing arguments for different perspectives on an environmental issue, making it difficult to choose one ideal path of thinking without a careful analysis. He always finds the time to meet with his students and makes the effort to get to know each of them.

Norwegian Parliament