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Student Reflections

Peru- Week 3 Language

Hannah Bogich
June 8, 2015

The focus of this dialogue is Spanish language, so using and understanding the language is a big part of this trip.

My Spanish had improved exponentially since I’ve been here because we have 4 hours of Spanish class a day, and then we usually practice almost all day long. Also my host mother does not speak any English, so it’s good to help me practice.

There are some cultural differences I have noticed with the Spanish here and the Spanish that I was taught in high school. First of all “adios” means goodbye forever, so people here never say it because it seems dismal. Instead everyone says “ciao”. I was also taught that the word for “boyfriend” is “novio”, but it turns out that that actually means fiance here, so that for some very awkward conversations between some of my friends and their host families.

With that said, I have gotten around pretty well and I have been able to communicate with almost everyone I meet. I am so grateful to have this opportunity to improve my Spanish this quickly, and in a fun way.