Final Dialogue of Civilization Application deadline is 1/15!

Student Reflections

Professors and Life in the Classroom

Lauren Azzola
May 18, 2017

Week 6_3
The lecturers here have been really helpful with classes. The atmosphere is very relaxed so professors are easily approachable. I’ve also taken field trips for 3 out of 4 of my classes where I got face-to-face time with the professors. One of my classes had a big proposal statement for our final essay due and I went into office hours a few times to just discuss my subject with the professor. His class is my only class where active discussion is really important (mainly because it is also the smallest class).
My other class has 3 rotating professors who each lead a subject with an assignment. The structure is interesting because each has a very different view of the subject (environmental decision making) so you have to keep that in mind when writing papers for each section.
The most interesting professor I have is definitely the one who only wears Vodafone outfits. He also has a thick kiwi accent and speaks quickly which makes it a little more difficult to follow.
Learning about environmental issues here has been really different from back in the States. The indigenous rights to land and the environmental degradation done by the early European settlements mirrors what happened in America but the treaties being settled with Maori are much more extensive and complicated.
