I think many other students would agree that a semester studying abroad does not provide you with a new, profound outlook on life. It does not drastically change the way you look at the world or completely alter you as a person. It does however, force you to move out of your comfort zone and to take certain risks, ultimately providing you with lifelong friends and fantastic memories. It provides an unparalleled opportunity to immerse yourself in a different city and culture. Through my study abroad experience I have found a new home in Sydney, made lifelong friends, taken risks, developed as an individual, and gained a deeper appreciation for my own life and the opportunities I have been given.
The University of Sydney provides an intimate opportunity to fully immerse yourself in a competitive and progressive Australian institution. I found my courses to not only be intellectually challenging, but engaging and stimulating. The courses I took in economics and marketing were different from the ones I have previously taken but will directly transfer back to my Northeastern curriculum. I came away from every lecture and tutorial at Sydney with some questions answered, but many more left to be explored. I appreciated the change in learning style and believe it forced me to develop as a student, building my time-management, comprehension, and communication skills. Aside from the normal course work and a gorgeous campus, this particular study abroad program provides an exceptional opportunity to fall in love with the bustling metropolis of Sydney. Located in a central location, the main campus offers easy access to many of Sydney’s most famous and entertaining neighborhoods. There is always something going on, and the rest of the city is only a short bus ride away. Back in the cold Boston winter, I will definitely miss the days of getting out of class and taking the train to the beach, or simply wandering around the city streets exploring new sights and smells. As in every new place, I started out timid and confused on these frequent explorations. This feeling soon faded as I grew more comfortable and confident in my surroundings. However, in my final days on campus I realized that I had begun to take for granted the beauty and life of this city as the months wore on. I wish that I had continued to explore every corner of the city the entire semester. As with every goodbye it was bittersweet to leave, but I know Sydney will forever be another home for me and I cannot wait to come back.
Study abroad provides an exceptional experience as it thrusts you into the middle of new city, an unfamiliar university, and a new life. You cannot fall back on your family or friends from home for support as they are thousands of miles away. Although this realization was daunting at first as I only knew one person in Sydney, I came away from the semester with lifelong friends and precious memories. Living at the Urbannest Central apartments with other exchange students provided great grounds for meeting people. I got close with my seven roommates and many other students also on exchange over the semester and will remain in touch once I return home. I think that we got so close this semester because we were undergoing the same stresses, excitement, and adventures together – actively sharing and discussing our similar but personal study abroad experiences. These shared experiences helped me to form close connections with many people, and I am currently traveling Asia with a few of my roommates. I plan on visiting other friends once I return to the U.S.
I wanted to study abroad in a different country to change the routine that I have grown accustomed to over the past three years at Northeastern’s Boston campus. I wanted to experience new things, get out of my comfort zone, and develop as a person. I believe I accomplished all that and more this past semester. I owe that accomplishment to the great friends I made and people I met along the way. The experiences that I have had this semester and blogged about have allowed me to develop as an individual and gain a new sense of independence. While having a great time exploring foreign places and falling in love with the city of Sydney, my time abroad showed me the value of certain things I have taken for granted in my life and instilled a deeper appreciation for the family and friends I have back home. I believe that this is one of the true benefits of studying abroad; growing as a person while gaining a deeper appreciation for your life, the many opportunities that have been given to you, and people most important to you. Although I will miss my life and friends in Sydney, I plan to bring back what I have learned and the skills I have gained this semester to improve my life and continue to develop as a student and a professional.
I will continue traveling after the semester across southeast Asia starting in Singapore. From Singapore, I will boat to Bintan Island, a small resort island in Indonesia’s archipelago with vibrant sandy beaches and a peaceful atmosphere. From there, I will fly to Phuket in southern Thailand where I will do a day tour of the Phi Phi Islands to snorkel, play with monkeys, and swim in a secluded cove. After Phuket, I will continue my journey in Thailand to the capital city of Bangkok. I plan on exploring this large and bustling city and enjoy a tour of its famed floating markets – where people exchange goods from paddle boats floating through a river. From Bangkok, I will fly to the final destination of my trip in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam where I will spend a few days at a friend’s apartment and do a tour of Vietnam’s Mekong Delta. I am excited to continue this amazing journey and explore a few more cities before I finally fly home for the holidays.