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Student Reflections

Siena and Fall Break Adventures

Carolina Rodriguez
December 10, 2014

Hi all! A lot has happened after my last post and I am really excited to tell you all about it. Last Saturday my roommate and I decided to go on a last minute trip to Siena, a small town about and hour and a half away from Florence. We got on a bus and spent the whole day wandering around the small Tuscan city’s piazzas and rich architecture. It was much prettier that I expected it to be, even though I had heard nothing but amazing things about it.

When we got there, the first thing we did was eat, obviously. We did our research beforehand and went on the hunt for a local pizza place called Pizzeria Poppi where we enjoyed some freshly made Ciaccino Ripieno, which can only be described as a pizza sandwich (Yes, it’s a pizza made into a sandwich. Genius, I know). We sat in Piazza del Campo as we ate our food and then enjoyed a delicious cup of cappuccino; even though you aren’t supposed to drink cappuccinos after noon, but whatever, sue me. After that we spent all day going in and out of shops and wandering around the famous sites. Siena is such a small town that you can walk from one side to the other in less than an hour, which was nice because we really had a chance to see as most as possible within out timeframe.

Although Siena was amazing, what has me really excited in my next adventure. This Friday marks the start of my Fall Break. I’ll be going to Berlin with a few of my friends for a couple of days and then I’m heading to London to meet up with my sister, who is currently studying right outside the city. I can’t wait for my next adventure, but unfortunately before all that begins Mid-term have to end, so for now I’ll be studying until the weekend comes by again. I hope to tell you all about it as soon as I get back. Wish me luck!


Carolina R