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Student Reflections

The (A)typical Tuesday in London

Cynthia Orofo
June 16, 2016

Medical Tools at The Old Operating Theatre

Classic British Telephone Booths - a stop on our sightseeing adventure
Bike Riding at Hyde Park
No day in London was consistently the same for us on the Dialogue, so I will describe our last day in London from start to finish. We wake up around 8 and what would usually follow is a 40 minute Tube ride to school with two lectures by dialogue professors and possibly a guest lecture. However, this Tuesday it was completely different from the rest. It was our last Tuesday of the trip and it was a free day. After waking up and getting ready, we had to pack the rest of our belongings and weigh our bags so that we make sure we are not going over our 50 pound limit for the airplane. After that we decided to go to Hyde Park on the two so that we can ride to the city bikes through the park and around the lake. Even though it was slightly raining, we managed to ride the bikes for about an hour and still have fun doing our final sightseeing.
We also visited the natural history Museum where we were able to see exhibits on evolution of the world and animals, exhibits on volcanoes and earthquakes as well as exhibits on different types of insects. They had a number of simulations that correlated with the exhibit it was in. For example, in the earthquake exhibit, there was a simulation set in the Japanese store people were in when the 1995 earthquake hit. To beat out the rain, we entered the nearest Pret to grab a quick bite to eat. Pret tends to be our go-to stop for a quick snack whether on break between classes or on break between field trips and class activities. Before we know it, it’s already the evening time and we decide to take the two back to our dorm to get ready to go out for our last night. We go out to a local pub to grab a quick meal and drink and listen to a live band and music to dance to. We were able to have a late night on Tuesday considering the fact that we did not have class the next morning. However, we would usually be in early so that we could get out for the next morning. No day is very typical in London, so it’s hard to describe one as if they were the same since they were all very unique in their own way!