Apply for Summer traditional study abroad by February 1st, and for Fall Study Abroad by March 1st!

Student Reflections

The City of Wi-Fi

Brianna McDowell
October 11, 2016

For the past two summers I have spent most of my time in Brazil. The phone plan I had abroad during those times was the same phone plan I had in the States. Each time I went I would enroll in one of those travel data plans. Within the first week of being abroad I would use up my entire plan resulting in serious charges when I returned to the States. Before I left for Portugal I decided to switch my cell phone plan to T-Mobile. T-Mobile allows you to continue using your same data plan abroad without incurring roaming charges. Only difference is that calls cost by the minute. Luckily in this day in age with Skype, Facebook, and WhatsApp I don’t have to use my regular cell phone calling feature to make calls. Only downfall is that there aren’t any Towers located in the area to allow me to receive high speed data; therefore, I am only able to use social media when connected to Wi-Fi. Fortunately, everywhere, and I mean EVERWHERE in Lisbon has Wi-Fi. Public parks even have Wi-Fi! I did however, purchase a prepaid sim card that allows me to receive a fast data connection while I was here in Lisbon. I have had it for about two weeks now and still have yet to insert it in my phone. Goes to show that if you have a reliable US data plan then you don’t really need to purchase a phone or sim card abroad. For example, one of the students in my study abroad program solely relies on Wi-Fi and hasn’t felt a need to purchase a sim card because she feels so connected to everyone even without one. If you would like to purchase a sim card they are roughly about 10 euros. The features 10 euros gets you is unbelievably good. One doesn’t usually spend more than 20 euros on a data plan which can usually last you a month.


I recommend bringing your laptop computer with you. I live in a homestay and if I hadn’t of brought my laptop with me I would have had to rely on the few computers that are available at school. The library at NOVA is about 1/3 (if not less) than the size of the main floor in Snell Library. Thus there are only a few computers that are available for use. The school also has printers for use; at first they can be rather complicated to figure out but once you get the hang of it its pretty easy. Whether you stay in a homestay or a dorm, internet is provided. NOVA Universidade also has Wi-Fi available on campus, and allows you to receive Wi-Fi at some other college campus in Europe as well. All in all, technology isn’t a big concern when living in Lisboa!
