Apply for Fall Study Abroad by March 1st!

As someone who has only travelled abroad once, I am both anxious and nervous to be spending an entire month in a foreign country. Next week, we depart for Prague and then we will make our way to Krakow, Warsaw, and Gdansk. Because half of my major is International Affairs, I knew that I wanted to spend as much time abroad as possible with Northeastern. The Dialogues provide a great opportunity to take classes while enjoying some sightseeing and taking in new cultural experiences. I am hoping to delve into the elaborate history of this region while also getting to know what it’s like in the present day. Luckily a core part of our classes are museum visits and cultural excursions so I will be able to do just that. However, I am also nervous about being in a new country that speaks an entirely different language. Part of me is hoping that most of the natives will speak English fairly well yet another part wants to be challenged. One aspect of my program that I love is that we will all be staying together in the same hotels, going on the same excursions, and taking the same classes, while also having most evenings and some days free so we can go off on our own. I won’t feel alone in these foreign cities but I will have the opportunity to explore them on my own or with my fellow classmates. I cannot wait to leave for this new adventure and I am looking forward to all of the new experiences and lessons I have waiting for me in Europe.

Prague's Old Town at night