Apply for Fall Study Abroad by March 1st!

I crave adventure. It’s why I decided to travel all the way from Austin, Texas to go to college, where I didn’t know anyone, because I wanted an experience. It’s also why I decided to go on a Dialogue of Civilization. I wanted a chance to explore the unknown; I’ve never left North America before and I wanted an experience that would be nothing like staying home. There is so much outside of my daily bubble of existence that I can learn from, and I feel like it is my duty to go out and find it.
I think my dialogue will change me in a variety of ways. I know that I will learn from the classes a lot, as it pertains to my major, but the physical act of going out and making videos about the foreign culture will be such a learning experience in how to submerse myself in a new environment, and see how it influences me. I think the only way to truly achieve this is to be actively open and looking for what is around me. If I get lost in the small details I’ll miss the whole picture of the trip. While I can let the things that are worrying me, or the multiple changes from my idea of what the trip will be like, or my fear that the classes will be hard, keep me from enjoying the trip, I won’t. I will be flexible, I will be adventurous and open, I will be proactive and diligent, and these things will help me make the most of this life changing experience that others would kill to have.
One of the most special things about this dialogue is that is has never been done before. And while it is exciting to be part of the pilot program, it is also extremely nerve-racking to not know how past trips have gone. There is no avoiding the fact that we are going to encounter problems that we didn’t prepare for, only because we are the test run. Most of my immediate fears stem from getting sick in some form or capacity. My travel clinic visit to get immunizations did scare me a little. The nurse let me know that Malaria, Yellow Fever, and Zika are all in Ecuador, but not in most parts of my dialogue, and people often get sick from the water, fruits and vegetables, and traveler’s diarrhea and altitude sickness are also concerns for the trip. I am also worried about pick pockets, or loosing important things like my passport or camera, which will most likely not happen at all, but is still something to keep in mind. However more than anything I am so ecstatic to experience this brand new culture that I am completely new to. I am so excited to go to the cloud forest in Mindo, and the Galapagos Islands. I can’t wait to explore the nature of the islands, and see all of the fauna that is specific to the Galapagos. I want to see the turtles, the blue footed boobies, and the penguins. The Galapagos are known as the birth place of Darwin’s theory of evolution, and I can’t wait to go and see it myself. I am looking forward to being in the middle of all of those beautiful mountains and lush greenery, while making videos that reflect the breathtaking experience I am having.

El Centro monument