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Student Reflections

Turkey and Germany – Housing and Classmates

Monica Bhatia
July 16, 2015

I am very happy to report that I LOVE everyone on my dialogue. We have a lot of variation among ages, backgrounds, and programs of study within our group and it makes for a really great experience. Some people have traveled everywhere you can think of while this is a few people’s first time outside the United States, but most importantly, everyone is super willing to include everyone and make sure everyone feels safe and comfortable. The one time I felt uncomfortable with a comment someone made, we talked it out, and it turned out to be a misunderstanding and we’re now better than ever! I have no worries about spending a month with this group.

Currently, we’re staying in the Hilton bordering the neighborhoods of Tesvikiye and Besiktas, right down the road from Taksim Square. We got to choose our own roommates when we got here (two people to a room) and I chose to room with someone named Clara whom I had met beforehand but didn’t know that well. I’m really happy with my decision because it gave me an opportunity to make a new friend with someone I knew had similar interests to me. So far Clara and I have have spent a good amount of time together and we get along really well.

Every morning, once Clara convinces me to get out of bed, we have breakfast at the hotel restaurant overlooking the city. The first morning I spent more time appreciating the view than eating. Mostly I was amazed by how many different types of cheese were offered. Where do you ever go that you can eat unlimited amounts of several different types of fancy cheese? I’m basically living the dream.