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Danish Toast for breakfast before school

On a typical day I will wake up early before school around 9 am. After getting ready, I meet my friends in the lobby to start our day. Since our classes don’t start until 1pm we use the morning to explore the city and try new restaurants. Some breakfast places we have tried include: Brooklyn Donuts, Best Bagels, Danish Toast, and of course French Crepes. After eating and doing a bit of shopping, we take the metro to school. Every day I have two hours of Accounting, a lunch break, and then two hours of MIS. During the lunch break my friends and I find a place to sit and we either start our homework or make plans for the weekend while we eat food from the bakery across the street or a lunch we brought with us. After school ends around 6pm we take the metro home. Some evenings my friends and I pack a picnic and eat in the park, other nights we go out to a restaurant, and sometimes we stay in and cook for ourselves. We like to switch it up every night but it also depends on the weather. When it is nice out sometimes we will walk around town in the evening and get ice cream because it stays light outside until really late. If we decide to eat in, then I typically will go on a run in the park after school. I think my schedule here is more laid back than it is at home. This is probably due to the differences in class load and times as well as the cultural differences of living in Europe.

Sunset at 9-15 pm after an evening run

Made a pit stop on the way home from school to see the city from a different perspective