Apply for Summer traditional study abroad by February 1st, and for Fall Study Abroad by March 1st!

I speak very little Spanish, so there’s a lot of miscommunication, as well as poor communication, whenever I speak with some of the locals. For example, I really wanted to get some fresh coconut, so I asked a local where I could get some. Apparently, I didn’t word it right, as he led me to the coconut taxis and then asked for a CUC! (That’s the local currency) I laughed and reworded my request, and ended up getting some really delicious coconut, but miscommunication is definitely a part of the experience here if you dont’ speak the language well.


Clarro is a sort of understanding, as well as agreement. When the people here say it, it is drawn out on the a, and then the -rro portion is said quickly. It’s a surprisingly very comforting phrase, and let’s you know that the person you are speaking to really gets what you are saying.