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Student Reflections

Week 4 of London: A Typical Day

Kaya Simmons
June 14, 2015

The typical day starts with me waking up around 9:30 and getting ready for class. After grabbing a quick sandwich and coffee, the group heads onto the train around 10:30 for an 11 AM start. Our first class, Improvisation for Entrepreneurs wakes up our bodies and minds by energizing and shifting our focuses to the external world. Through playing games, we develop skills to enhance our presence, confidence, decision-making, and creativity. Games and performances range from solos to whole group activities and each require a different yet essential skill to improve our improvisation. After coming back whole group and reflecting our work, we enjoy an hour lunch near the student center. After lunch we come back to our Professional Voice class, we work on clarification, specificity, articulation, and releasing tension from our bodies to look and sound confident when speaking publicly. Although this class also uses group activities for exercises, it centers more on individual work since each student has such a distinct voice.

Once class is over, our next event depends the groups’ energy levels. Because were are constantly moving and exerting energy for four hours, many students need to reenergize and grab a snack or even nap back at the hotel. Other times we will go to a museum, play a pick up game of soccer with locals, or try a new food spot for the afternoon. After a quick dinner at the hotel, must of us head out for the night. If you are a club person, London is a great place to enjoy music and meet other students studying abroad and locals. After an exhausting night, we come back and reflect on the night, telling funny stories and playing games.