This term I’m studying abroad at Mahidol University, an international school based in Salaya, which is a small town right outside of Bangkok. In general I chose to study abroad because I wanted an opportunity to explore a different area of the world. I wanted to chance to live in a different culture and see things in a different light. I came to Thailand specifically because I wanted an experience that would be completely out of my comfort zone that’d be different than a typical study abroad trip in Europe. After my trip to Ghana this past summer, I realized how important it is to see the world and it gave me the final push to apply to study abroad.
I feel like any type of study abroad experience pushes students to grow and transform as individuals. I feel as if I will become far more independent and capable of traveling on my own. Being immersed in the Thai culture I’m hoping I will have a newfound appreciation for their laidback lifestyles and constant need to make each other happy. The Thai’s don’t enjoy conflict and have inherent need to maintain the peace between family members, friends, and strangers.
My goals while studying abroad is to travel as much as I possibly can. I want to take in all of Thailand, so see the jungles, the beaches, and the city. I want to pick up some of the Thai language and be able to communicate with the locals easier. I heard that they respect the foreigners that take the time to learn their language. I would also like to make some Thai friends so they can help show me some of the local fun things to do and introduce me to unique parts of the Thai culture.
The main fear I have is getting sick because I have a fairly sensitive stomach and I heard its common for most of the students who study here to get sick. When I went to Ghana I got sick and it was definitely not the best time and I would like to avoid that at all costs. Also, I’m afraid of potentially offending the Thai culture. They have certain customs that they follow strictly such as you soles of your feet are the unholy part of your body and if you point them at someone you are making them dirty and its highly disrespectful.
I’m looking forward to being in a land that has beautiful scenery. I have been craving adventure and being outside more. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t excited to miss the Boston winter. I’m excited to bond with the other students in my program and meet like-minded people who also want to explore and do exciting new things.