Location: 180 Ryder Hall (Center for Design) or via Zoom
Art + Design faculty leading programs this summer will be giving short presentations followed by a Q&A session (light refreshments will be served in person).
*Please note that some of the programs below are pending approval and may be subject to change.
Summer 1 Dialogues
- Graphic Design, Photography, and Typography in Switzerland — Mark Laughlin
- Latitude Zero: Ecuador and the Galápagos — David Tamés and Jerónimo Pan
- Sicily – Landscape of Memory — Dana Mueller
- Shoshin Japan — Jamal Thorne and Kate Terrado
- Time Machine: Appalachia — Julia Hechtman and Kara Braciale Nath
Summer 2 Dialogues
- Art Explorations in Ireland — Mira Cantor and Sophia Ainslie
- Art, Games, & Play in Japan — Brandon Sichling
- Austria: Textiles and Creative Coding — Kara Braciale Nath and Julia Hechtman
- Tbilisi: Design for Justice and Democracy — Sarah Kanouse and Nicholas Brown