Apply for Fall Study Abroad by March 1st!

Global Experience Faculty Fellowships

Global Experience Faculty Fellowships (GEOFF) support Northeastern faculty as they design new Dialogue of Civilizations or make extensive changes to existing ones. The Fellows are expected to participate in a series of professional development events on campus, organized by the Global Experience Office in collaboration with Center for Advancing Teaching and Learning through Research (CATLR), Student Affairs, and the International Safety Office.

GEOFF proposals selected for funding by the Global Experience Office will be presented to the Deans for final approval, as an integral part of the Global Experience Program Proposal.

To apply for a Global Experience Faculty Fellowship, simply complete the Fellowship application section in the online Global Experience Program Proposal form at the time of Phase 1 submission. GEOFF applications are not accepted during Phase 2.

The Fellowship application section of the Phase 1 online proposal will request the following information:

  • Would you like to be considered for the Global Experience Faculty Fellowship?
  • Please describe the project you will be working on. How will the funding help you enhance global experience programming at Northeastern?
  • How will your project advance the goals of your department/unit or college?
  • Are you planning a site visit as part of the program development?
  • Please describe your travel objectives, including the dates and destinations.
  • Please provide a preliminary travel budget estimate. Final budgets are subject to approval by the Global Experience Office.


GEO Faculty Fellowship Professional Development Series

As part of the Fellowship, Fellows are required to attend a series of workshops focusing on different aspects of designing and running global experience programs. Examples of past workshops include:

Offered in April, in the beginning of Phase 2 Development.

Goal: To share best practices in program design and study abroad pedagogy, and to provide a “jumpstart” to the new programs/faculty new to DOCs.

A full day of discussions among faculty and with experts.

Topics range from program and course design to cross-cultural learning theories, assessment of student learning, and maintaining student well-being in intensive experiential settings.

Offered mid-September, after Phase 2 proposals are due.

Goals: To keep faculty current on the health and safety requirements for off-campus programs and to help faculty incorporate important health and safety information into their pre-departure meetings with students.

Panel presentations on Northeastern University policies, Title IX, insurance, and other topics.

Case studies and discussions among faculty and with the panelists, with an emphasis on risk-aware program design and critical incident prevention.

Offered in September/October, at the beginning of the recruitment phase.

Goal: To provide Fellows with strategies for attracting, interviewing, and selecting program participants and program assistants.

Student Affairs presentation on Northeastern’s approach to Resident Assistant selection and training, followed by Q&A and discussion.

GEO-led discussion on best practices in marketing programs to attract the target audience.

“Do’s and Don’ts” of student selection.

Offered in November, during recruitment/preparation.

Goal: To provide a discussion forum for faculty on the special teaching and learning realities on a faculty-led program.

CATLR and GEO presentation on research related to teaching and learning internationally

Facilitated discussion among new and veteran DOC faculty connecting the research to personal experiences and practical insights.

Offered mid-March, after programs have filled.

Goals: To ensure reliable communication and smooth coordination between program leaders and Northeastern support offices in case of an emergency; and to help faculty prepare managing student behavior in an intensive learning environment.

Final pre-departure briefing for faculty leaders with an emphasis on University protocols for critical incident response and reporting.

Offered early spring, prior to departure.

Goal: To provide faculty with insights into financial policies, management of program logistics, and support available to them from GEO.

Topics include Amex, Concur, contracts with vendors, payments of program expenses, connectivity requirement and cellphones, student billing, withdrawal and refund policies, HR policies for hiring and supervising program assistants, meal stipends, and more.

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