Apply for Summer traditional study abroad by February 1st, and for Fall Study Abroad by March 1st!

Student Reflections

Changed my Experience for the Better

Martha Mead
February 24, 2016

Church in Granada's Albayzin Neighborhood

The API office in Granada is run by two women: Carmen and Curra, and they are both FANTASTIC. They have both been extremely helpful when it comes to logistical things like changing classes, getting travel information, and getting involved in extracurricular and volunteer opportunities. Beyond that, they are both warm and caring and have made me feel so at home here in Granada. Having them as program directors has changed my abroad experience so much for the better, and I’ve been really comforted to know that I have them as a resource if I ever need something.
My professors have also changed my experience in Granada for the better. They are all very passionate about their subjects, and they take great pride in sharing the content they find so fascinating with their students. That dedication makes them better teachers, and I find that it’s really helped me to understand and retain more information (my grammar teacher actually made the subjunctive tense make sense!). They know their subjects so well that they are able to have fun with their lessons, and it is inspiring to see how they continue to be amazed and moved by the content they are teaching—my literature professor even cried in class last week when teaching us about the untimely death of Garcilaso de la Vega, a Spanish Renaissance poet. I wasn’t expecting the classes in a study abroad program to be very intellectually stimulating, but my professors proved that expectation wrong by providing me with some of the most interesting and well-organized classes I have ever taken!
