Final Dialogue of Civilization Application deadline is 1/15!

Student Reflections

Finland? Well That’s Interesting…

Arthur Patrick McDeed
September 19, 2016

This the usual response I’ve been getting these past few months as I’ve been excitedly sharing the news of my upcoming study abroad experience at the University of Helsinki in Finland. To be honest, it is a quite unusual study abroad location. Sometimes I still question why I chose the long, dark Scandinavian winters over the lively beaches of Barcelona.

But then I remember the exciting opportunities that led me to seek a study abroad opportunity in Finland in the first place. While I am a math major, I plan to go pursue a career in education. For those maybe not so familiar, Finland’s education system is hot topic of study for many involved in education reform here in the US. Finnish students consistently find themselves at the tops of international rankings, besting American students by quite a large margin. Yet the Fins are much more “progressive”/non-traditional in their educational practices than other top performing countries and their Scandinavian neighbors (Check out this article to learn a little more about the Finnish education system:

I will not only have the opportunity to learn and experience first-hand the Finnish education system straight from the source, hopefully being able to actually enter the classroom and observe. Since I will be taking courses in education, I will also be able to learn their pedagogical practices side by side with other aspiring Finnish educators. Taking the same courses, learning the same material, engaging in the same discussions as the future teachers who will go on to be help shape one of the world’s leading education systems.

Central Rail

While learning opportunities are abound, I would be lying if I said I didn’t have a few apprehensions. New England has shown me some pretty harsh winters, but am I prepared for the long, cold, and dark Scandinavian winters? Am I prepared to communicate in a language truly unlike anything else I’ve ever seen? Eipӓ Kestӓ or “not at all”. Being the first Northeastern student to study abroad in Finland is a pretty awesome title, but this also means all be starting off completely alone, no other fellow Huskies to fall back on, on those nervous first few days while everyone is settling in and making new connections.

Despite the few uncertainties, I am excited for the adventure and learning opportunities that lie ahead. I look forward to fully immersing myself in a new culture, a new lifestyle, in new a city and country that are unique in so many ways. I can’t wait to share my experiences: what I learn and the challenges I will face, both big and small. I hope you enjoy this blog, or at least leave thinking “well that’s interesting”.
