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Student Reflections

Locals and Budget Advice in Rome

Barbara Cimatti
July 24, 2017

St. Peter's Basilica

John Cabot University is quite an American bubble. You meet most of your friends in orientation and in classes, and they all speak English, so end up hanging out with them most of, is not all of the time. It is very difficult to get out of the bubble, and I am still working on that. I am rooming with an Italian girl, which is nice. But aside from that, I did not become friends with any other actual Italian people.

However, I do have a friend who also goes to Northeastern that has a lot of Italian friends and he told me his secret. The secret is to hang out at local bars, have a drink, and simply start conversations with others. He tells me Italian people are actually quite friendly, and will start a conversation with a stranger with no issues. A proof of that is the fact that he got invited to have dinner at one of his Italian friend’s mom’s house, and even got a free tattoo from him (the Italian friend is a tattoo artist). However, since I do not drink, meeting people like that is harder for me. Nevertheless, I am still planning to go to a bar, even if to drink water or juice, and start conversations with Italian people there.

As for my budget, I am trying to save during the week so I can travel during the weekend. I buy food at the grocery store to last me a week, and that usually comes down to at the most thirty euros. I eat that food for breakfast, lunch and dinner all week, only spending money on gelato and tiramisu. Then, on the weekends, I usually buy slow train tickets to go places and look for a cheap hostel there. I try to find the nearest grocery store near the hostel as well so I don’t have to go out to eat, but when that is not possible, I do allow myself one or two restaurant meals on the weekend. I am in Italy, after all!

The best thing I have purchased here was my beautiful bag. I found an amazing colorful and beach themed store called Antica Santoria, and I love everything in that store. Seriously. Every single thing. I chose to buy the bag because it was the cheapest item there, and I actually need a new bag. I highly recommend it visiting that store. I believe they have stores in Positano, Sorrento, Capri and Rome.

I also buy clothes at the Porta Portese weekend flea market, which happens every Sunday from 5AM to 3PM. I bought shorts there for 3 euro, and a skirt for 1 euro. They have really cool, cheap clothes and jewelry there.