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Student Reflections

What I think of studying abroad

Barbara Cimatti
July 28, 2017

Capitoline Hill

Studying abroad in Italy was, as I suspected, well worth it. I did have fears and apprehensions at first about not knowing how to get by on my own, and not speaking the language fluently. However, as it happened when I came to study in the United States, I found good friends that I will carry for life, had amazing experiences in beautiful places, and learned a lot about what I can do alone.

Studying abroad in Rome was something I felt like I needed to do given my cultural heritage, and I can say this country welcomed me with open arms and was even more beautiful that I could have ever imagined. I feel like I have changed because I am more confident than before. I am confident that I am smart enough to get by on my own, to learn a new language, and most importantly: to be confortable being alone. I had to be by myself way more here than I ever am in the United States, and I enjoyed learning that I am a great person to spend time with. I also found so many clothes here that fit my style way better than any clothes in the United States, and they were all three or four Euros. Finding clothes that I am comfortable in makes me feel beautiful and confident.

My academic goals did not change, as I am still very passionate about my major. However, living here for a month made me realize that I want to spend more time with nature during my life. I want to be able to live closer to the beach, which I love, and maybe work autonomously instead of getting an office job. Life is just too short and the world is way to beautiful to be stuck inside four concrete walls from nine to five…Also, living here made me realize how easy it is to travel in Europe, and that makes me want to study abroad again in Europe, perhaps in Greece next time.

For me, the single greatest benefit of studying abroad is realizing how big and diverse the world is, and how beautiful that diversity is. I am fascinated by the differences in cultures all over the world, and how they overlap and don’t in some many ways. I absolutely love experiencing a new way of living, and that to me is priceless.

My advice for you who is planning to study abroad is to do it! And do it with an open mind. I am not saying to start eating meat if you are vegetarian if the locals do it, but be open to their way of living more than you are would be your hometown. Try talking and connecting with them, dance like them, watch them, enjoy their country. You may realize so many valuable things about yourself as you do so, such as a passion for a new sport, a taste for a different fruit, or even a fondness for traveling that will not leave your side for as long as you live.