My typical Monday usually starts slowly as I don’t have any requirements academically until after lunch. Because the breakfast provided at the dorm ends at 8:30, I often don’t eat until lunch at 12. I often spend the morning doing various activities including doing laundry or finishing homework. At 11:30, I leave the dorm to walk to the Priest Seminary where we are provided lunch.
The walk to the Seminary takes about 30 minutes and includes going up a mountain, down a mountain, through a mountain, and over a river. It is good to arrive promptly at 12 as the food can go fast. Everyone is given a stack of tickets that we hand in each time to receive food; no ticket, no food. On Mondays, we have a special General Assembly following lunch that begins at 12:45 back at the school. Luckily, Salzburg College is only about a three-minute walk from the Seminary.
At the General Assembly the course coordinators go over the schedule for the week, focusing on any class excursions we might have. Basic safety principles are discussed as well, particularly in regards to travel. This meeting is scheduled to end at 1, though it often runs late.
While other students go to class at 1:30, I have some time to work on homework until I walk back across the river to meet with my independent study advisor. From 2-3 I meet with her and discuss my progress regarding my 30-page paper that is due at the end of the semester. When the meeting is done, I immediately head back to Salzburg College as I have a class at 3:30. Said class, Intercultural Communication, runs from 3:30 until 6 with a 10-15 minute break around halfway through.
After finishing class, those of us living at the dorm walk back as fast as possible because dinner officially ends at 6:30. Our names are written on a special list meaning we are guaranteed food, however, if we get there too late we have to find the food, microwave it, and then clean all the dishes ourselves. We normally manage to get there by 6:25, just in time.
Following dinner, I normally hang out in the study room once again working on homework. Once I feel I have achieved enough, I head back to my room where I have a snack (I am used to later dinners so always get hungry around 9) and watch Netflix in bed before falling asleep somewhere around 12. So goes a typical Monday.